Seven For Seven

Although it might be a bit early to invite a comparison to the greatest streak in professional sporting history-- Joe DiMaggio's magnificent run of 56 straight games with a base hit-- I would still like to make it known that the last seven times I have gone searching for salamanders with my sons in our secret salamander spot, we have been successful in finding this elusive amphibian, and our streak stretches back to last spring, when we found the spot: last Thursday we found three salamanders-- not that it matters how many we found . . . all it takes is one salamander to keep the streak alive-- and Friday afternoon we found a nest of them under a large chunk of concrete, and Saturday we found a few more, and Sunday we only found one . . . and I can already feel the pressure mounting: what will happen on our next search?


  1. So you were hunting salamanders the day you dove headfirst into the Connecticut river

  2. i suppose-- have you been to gheorghe lately? i mentioned that incident in yesterday's post!

  3. Yeah I was slumming over there

  4. My dad used to take me salamander hunting at the pet store. We never failed to find multiple salamanders.

  5. Lecky, we've cut off your heat for good and the cops will be coming to evict you by 5pm.

  6. TJ, if you read Nicholas Carr's new book The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains you would not take offense to the word "slumming"

  7. someday, i've going to hang out with people worthy of my vast intellect.

  8. lecky, thanks for visiting the internet's 4th leading provider of caa basketball content (but foremost authority on obscure caa basketball hashtags). teejay's got a customer satisfaction survey for you, if you'd be so kind.

    also, thanks for commenting, jerk.

  9. also, based on the crimes against humanity you and the bloom boys perpetrated that weekend in connecticut, i'm surprised your not trying to keep that whole business quiet.

  10. and by 'your', i mean 'you're'.

  11. dave, you want me to keep padding the comment count, or no?

  12. not if you're going to bring up stuff like that . . .

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