Did Banksy Create Rebecca Black?

Despite writing this blog, I remain fairly isolated from what's being passed around on the internet-- and I'm sad to report that I learned about this song on NPR-- but even though I was the 38, 945, 234th person to watch the YouTube video of Rebecca Black's "Friday," I think I have something valuable to say about the song (which was written and "created" by Ark Music Factory, supposedly the brainchild of Patrice Wilson and Clarence Jey) and it is this: the lyrics are so unlyrical, the theme is so banal, the music is so auto-tuned, and the video is so literal that this kind of satirical "fun fun fun" could only have been the work of the arch-prankster and super-cool street artist Banksy . . . and I have to admit that the song is very catchy, which is impressive, since it doesn't rhyme, makes no attempt to have a unique voice, coins no new catchy phrase, and contains lyrics about how the days of the week are ordered and eating breakfast cereal . . . unless that line is a veiled marijuana reference: "waking up in the morning . . . gotta have my bowl" . . . only Banksy knows for sure, but this has to be a practical joke on par with the creation of Thierry Guetta (and right now, twenty minutes after I wrote the previous sentence, I still can't get the song out of my head . . . so perhaps "Friday" is brilliant in its stupidity . . . so derivative that it parodies itself . . . Rebecca Black, you are a super-genius in the same realm as Mr. Brainwash!)


  1. Judging solely on this video, I think Rebecca Black's music is aimed at tweenage girls, so there really isn't supposed to be anything deep going on with the lyrics.

  2. Madeline played that song for me last week and I told her it was terrible and walked away from her so I wouldn't have to hear it. Those ARE the worst lyrics ever. So yeah, it must be a tween thing.

  3. apparently, high school kids find it really funny when their 41 year old teacher plays this song on the guitar for them. it actually fit into my lesson today, so i went for it. partying, partying, yeah!

  4. From Madeline. Rumor has it the rapper is her dad. Most kids think it's a joke but they can't stop singing it in the hallways. And tomorrow is Friday, Friday!
