34 Years To Go! (For An Average American Male)

Today is my birthday,
me and the Seuss--
I'm now forty-one,
and still feeling loose,
but if life is a train,
I'm near the caboose.


  1. For a few minutes after we all woke up this morning, I forgot my husband's birthday even though I read his sentence and I told him I would pick up the fish for his bday dinner. I blame it on Early Onset Alzheimer's-- or I'm just a horrible wife. Sorry, Honey!!

  2. happy birthday. i think you should have some tacos to celebrate. i'm a little worried about the count.

  3. Fish tacos!

    Happy birthday, D Pave.

  4. Happy Birthday Dave. And you have a wonderful wife.

  5. More tacos for the birthday boy.

  6. You might get double filler posts in honor of your birthday, old man.

  7. Happy birthday, what kind of fish? At Costco you could probably get a whole halibut

  8. rob and whitney have predicted the content of tomorrow's sentence. are they clairvoyant or i am merely predictable?

  9. and thank you for all the birthday wishes-- i had to remind my family, but my students all remembered (and even some kids i don't have . . .)

  10. Hard to believe it's been two years since the sebaceous cyst. Seems like just yesterday I nearly dry-heaved at work reading about it.

  11. a comment about dave's last comment: a student in MY class, when Dave popped his head in, said "it's his birthday today, isn't it?" - and Dave confirmed that, in fact, it was... at which point the entire class questioned how she obtained this information. She was not his student, and he did not know her. Things are strange in A-Hall...

  12. Cue the Police...

    Band. Not the actual cops. yet.

  13. And this must be a new comments record for SoD, yes?

  14. i think this one puts it over the top . . .
