Considering We Don't Have Cable, Where Does He Get This Stuff?

On the car ride to Coco (the delicious Malaysian restaurant down Route 27), my six year old son Alex entertained us with an I Am Legend themed monologue: first he explained to his younger brother the devastation that nuclear bombs would cause if there was a war between spies, but that he had a plan: he would escape death by hiding under water and when he came out of the water there wouldn't be many animals left, except rats and he would have to eat the rats for a while, but luckily, but they would "evolve into other things that would get tastier and tastier."


  1. Um, are the kids on the playground passing out LSD these days?

  2. Isn't that how the crocodilians survived the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event? Maybe Alex is the next Jack Horner.

  3. What's tastier than a rat? Nothing I say.

  4. didn't george carlin do a bit about eating a rat's asshole?
