My Attention Span is Wack

I didn't make it through The Wackness but that doesn't mean it's a bad movie, it's just a little slow and melancholy and repetitive for my taste, but the '90s hip-hop soundtrack is fantastic (think De La Soul and A Tribe Called Quest and Biggie Smalls) and the dialogue replicates and parodies a time when everyone was trying to infuse some rapper chic into their lexicon, leading to the moment when the cool rich indie girl Stephanie gives the dope smoking and dope dealing main character, Luke Shapiro, some advice about how to live life: "I just look at the dopeness . . . but you, it's like you just look at the wackness, you know?"


Clarence said...


Dave said...

yo yo yo, gonna tell you a little story about dr. seuss-- we definitely inserted some hip-hop lingo into our special brand of folk music.

zman said...

I'm not qualified to review folk music, but that Dr. Seuss joint is tight son, word is bond.

Dave said...

i love the fact that squeaky is qualified to review folk music.

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