First Things First

The last night of our beach vacation, we took the kids on a ghost crab hunt, and before we went I told them a spooky tale to set the mood . . . once long ago there was a particular ghost crab that was killed by a shark, and he still haunted the beach to this day . . . he was the ghost of a ghost crab . . . and the kids, who had been watching Scooby Doo, assigned themselves characters (but no one wanted to be Velma) and decided to get to the bottom of this "ghost of a ghost crab" mystery, and while they were formulating the plan-- which involved an "invisible trap"-- my son Alex, whose personality frequently wavers between earnest and zany, stood and said, in his sternest voice "Okay, first things first! To make an invisible trap, we need a force field . . . who has a force field?"


  1. Not many comments on your beach trip entries. I guess you had to be there...

  2. they are very contextual memories, but i'm preserving them so we can embarrass our kids when we are senile.

  3. I don't think you'll need a blog to do that.

  4. so true, so true . . . on of the reasons to try to stay alive into your 90's . . . to annoy your children.
