
You may have tried some of the awareness tests that are available on-line, and hopefully, like me, you failed them miserably-- that's what FUN about them-- but I had my wife do a few of them (and I have read more books than my wife, so you'd think I would be smarter than her) but she kept passing the tests, which is no fun at all . . . she'd start watching and then she'd yell out the fun thing they reveal at the end of the test that normal people have to replay the video to see . . . and she guesses the end of movies too.


  1. This is Dave tipping his hand:

    "I have read more books than my wife, so you'd think I would be smarter than her"

    That is his personal life view: I read more books than you/most people, so I must be smarter than you/most people. One parenthetical can be very telling.

  2. O.J. Did It.

    What a silly question.
