If You're Dave, You Need to Know This Shit

Just in case there's some kind of Freaky Friday type incident, and your mind suddenly inhabits my body, here is my mnemonic for remembering which side of each car the fuel tank valve is on: Subaru has an "R" in it and the tank valve is on the right (which also has an "R" in it) and JEEP is spelled with four letters and so is the word "left," and this mnemonic also works with the nautical direction "port," which also has four letters and also means left (so if my JEEP were an amphibious vehicle when it was in the water and I was pulling up to a dockside gas station, I would pull up with the port-side facing the dock).


eric said...

I can't even remember why I read your blog at this point, let alone what I would do if I inhabited your body--the first thing I would probably do is record a Grease Truck song.

Al DePantsdowno said...

Dave has the same amount of letters as dope. Coincidence?

d-train said...

as a frequent traveler and car renter, i've learned that in most, if not all cars, there is a little arrow displayed on the gas guage - it either points to the right or the left, signifying the side of the car the gas tank is on.

d-train said...


rob said...

i learned the gauge directional thingy trick just a few months ago. at first, i thought it was a little touch of genius. then, after thinking about it, i concluded that i was a moron for not realizing this concept earlier. especially given the fact that both my cars feature the same symbols.

zman said...

It goes without saying that W&M doesn't offer any engineering classes.

Dave said...

wow! i never noticed that little arrow. i think i'm better for it, because the exercise i gave my brain creating the mnemonic.

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