
Something I am proud of: in twenty two years of driving, I have never run out of gas (I mention this because my wife told me a teacher at her school ran out of gas the other day . . . how does this happen in central New Jersey, where there is a gas station every twenty five feet or so?)


  1. Good fill someone in on and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.

  2. i once ran out of gas, but it turns out that my car was being recalled because of a faulty gas gauge - when the tow truck came for me, i didn't know what was wrong since i still had a quarter of a tank!

  3. oh, and i was on a ramp getting onto route 18 - can you imagine how popular that made me at 5:30 pm???

  4. You probably don't run out of gas because your wife keeps the tank full.

  5. i never run out of gas, but it's got nothing to do with my wife and everything to do with my intestines.
