Half Moon + Half Moon = Full Moon

Just when I'm about to kill my son Alex (his teacher sent a note home because he mooned some kids in the hallway . . . he thought it would be funny . . . and on top of this, lately he's a had a bad attitude and he's been fighting with his brother non-stop) he figures out how the commutative property of addition operates, all on his own-- it's like he knows when he needs to do something really cute or clever to avoid being thrown into the wilderness.


  1. no offense, but mathematicians figured that property out a long time ago. i'm sure alex is a great kid, though. i'll trade you a slightly insane 8 year-old for him.

  2. you've got to take both for the trade to be worth it.

    how is the blizzard?

  3. mostly fun, so far. i'd guess we've got 15 inches or so. you getting it this evening?
