
While I was running in the school orchard last week, I nearly ran into a red fox on the trail-- I was close enough to see the white splotch on the end of his tail before he loped away-- but fans of this blog will remember that last fall I saw TWO foxes in the span of two days, so one fox doesn't really rate a sentence, so I'm going to revise this one: while running in the school orchard I saw THREE foxes . . . and a llama . . . and . . . and Barak Obama and Rush Limbaugh making out behind a shrub.


  1. Said fox darted in front of my car last week as I drove into the parking lot. I am going to run in the orchard today, so I am looking forward to seeing it again, and if I'm really quiet, hopefully I will see Barak before he darts off and Rush's fat, bloated, obnoxious ass with blue balls.

  2. Someday our nation's schoolteachers will learn how to spell the name of the President of the United States of America. Until then, enroll your children at their own peril.

  3. My post was obviously an indirect criticism of Dave's spelling; it is tiresome explaining the level of my humor to a blogmaster who focuses on sophmoric top-twenty dou...nevermind--I get defensive when I'm called out, but I'm going to blame this one on Dave.

  4. i leave out the "c" to save money-- we're in an economic crisis!

  5. that's a 'risis' to you, dave.
