
In the office the other day, all the English teachers were lamenting the fact that progress reports were already due, and it felt like school had just started and no progress had been made-- and while it may be true that progress report time did come a bit early this year, it also might be true that we are all getting older, and as we get older our metabolism slows and time appears to rush by, instead of crawl along (like it did when we were children) but when I suggested this, none of the other teachers wanted to contemplate this bleak reality so we blamed it on Labor Day being so late this year.


  1. At the age of three, one year is equal to 33% of one's life, so it seems to take forever. At the age of thirty-nine, one year is 2.56% of your life and the next year will be even less, and so on until your inevitable death--so the four weeks before progress reports is a drop in the pan, which I am starting to think is just a sad, pathetic, little tear of mourning.

  2. You know what they say . . . time flies when you drink so much you have periods of blackout.

  3. Oh, and I wanted to comment on yesterday's sentence, but time flew by too fast: did you ever see Roger Dodger? Jesse Eisenberg was in that as well. Funny little film.

  4. i did see "rodger dodger"-- it also had joe the boy scout from mamet's "spanish prisoner" which is a favorite of mine. a student of mine just played laser tag with jesse and his girlfriend and the pepsi girl, and she said he was very nice and anxious, like his character, and kept apologizing when he shot anyone.

    i am deliberately ignoring soder's comment and trying to erase it from my consciousness.

  5. esoderic's comment makes me contemplate suicide

  6. dan, i think the opposite reaction is appropriate. if you apply zeno's dichotomy paradox (in a completely theoretical and absurdist way, granted), you'll never actually get to the end of the line. and so death is not so inevitable.

  7. There were 10 different Zenos on Wikipedia--nine of them have been dead for hundreds if not thousands of years.
