The Real Hangover

I think Catherine and I were the last people on earth to see The Hangover, but no one ruined the gags-- and the movie is a rare thing, a comedy that is genuinely funny and also has a great plot, but I must warn you: it is extremely unrealistic, I am not sure if the writer of this movie has ever had a real hangover, it is difficult to make a cup of coffee, let alone drive a stolen police car . . . and (spoilers!) you never hook up with Heather Graham when you're in black-out mode, it's usually someone of lesser quality and greater mass, plus you can't take a punch from Mike Tyson the night after you've tied one on; so I'm thinking of writing a film called A Real Hangover, which will be very low budget and very boring, mainly consisting of a guy who spends a long time in bed, then moves to the couch to watch TV, then finally walks to a convenience store and manages to buy a bottle of ginger-ale, despite having the shakes, drinks it and takes a fitful nap-- who wants to finance it?-- I think all the budget calls for is a lot of beer and camera.


  1. Your version is missing two key elements: 1.) tequila shots are not in the budget 2.) When you finaly give in to the idea of vomiting in hopes of feeling better (having not wanted to look weak and/or stupid to your wife), but your right in the middle of a towel-biter and you wind up turning to the sink but don't quite make it and you get throw up on everything and now you have to clean the entire bathroom with a pounding headache and glossy eyes before your wife comes upstairs and asks you if you're getting up today. Or was that in the movie?

  2. they had vomiting in the movie-- but i was going more for the adult hangover without the vomiting-- the one that inspires lots of malaise and ill will towards your children.

  3. I hear you. That's what makes vomiting so much worse. You feel like a dope because you got yourself in that position, and you hoped to have outgrown drinking ‘till you vomit by the time you’re 40.

  4. in syria, after a big bash at the marine house, i vomited on our 600 dollar persian carpet.
