Reading on the OBFT?

I was able to polish off a book and a play on the Outer Banks Fishing Trip XVI: As You Like It by Shakespeare and The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by Philip K. Dick, and despite the obvious differences-- As You Like It is a comedy and a light one (despite banishment, lions and wrestling) with plenty of funny banter, cross dressing, and trans-gender courting and The Three Stigmata is a precursor to The Matrix and Vanilla Sky and eXistenz, only trippier, with more religion and drugs and transcendence-- but they both have one thing in common, whether you're tripping in an eternal hallucination on Chew-Z or hanging out in the forest of Arden, you're doing it to escape the passage of time, the reality of your body and the status to which you are constrained-- and who doesn't want that once in a while?


  1. i read part of a newspaper, the tortuga's lie menu, and the table of contents of 'the new yorker'.

  2. I didn't read anything. I didn't want to know anything about the news because it's depressing (especially the Mets). I already know what's on the Tortuga's menu. And I had no time for books, what with all of the drinking, joke-making, and deep philosophizing as I gazed out over the ocean horizon.

  3. And I am completely illiterate when it comes to reading my opponents' faces in poker.

  4. i figured out a new poker strategy-- don't look at their faces, just go all-in at random intervals.

  5. you can read someone's face in poker? huh. so i should stop slobbering like a puppy when i get a good hand?

  6. sentence request: please to be commenting on the dirty, dirty, dirty rabbis in your home state.
