
There will come a time-- in a dozen years or so-- when it will be tempting to teaching my students the wrong things, as this will give my own children a better chance at getting into college . . . I'll have the power to make the competition appear stupid; I could tell my students the wrong definitions of difficult words so they bomb the SAT's, I could give them poor advice about their college essay topics (mention the time you committed arson! show them you learned a lesson!) and I could even screw up their sense of time and history . . . this is going to be a difficult ethical dilemma, I hope I make the right choice.

1 comment:

  1. The problem with your theory is that stupid people have a pretty good chance of getting into college as well. You should work on making your kids part of a protected group. My kids are 1/32 part Cherokee, according to Michelle. Maybe you can raise them as Muslims. That should get them a full scholarship the way things are headed.
