
A Micturation Mystery: Ian comes out of the house crying and Ian says that he peed in his pants, and when I go inside, I see pee on the carpet and then Catherine traces a trail of pee across the playroom to just outside the bathroom-- so we assume that Ian held it too long and couldn't make it to the bathroom and Catherine goes upstairs to clean him off and help him change-- but when she comes back downstairs she realizes that the bathroom door was LOCKED and Alex has a track record of locking it shut so we revised the solution; Ian tried to make it to the bathroom but found the door locked and then peed his pants coming back outside to tell us, so I put Alex in time out for the time it took me to unscrew the doorknob, but then once I got the bathroom open, there was pee on the carpet INSIDE the bathroom so Ian wasn't locked out, he got in, but he claims he didn't lock the door and Alex thinks he DID lock the door, but that doesn't make sense, because then how did Ian get into the bathroom?


  1. this is far more nefarious than you may suspect. i believe you have multiple culprits. twin pees, if you will.

  2. I bet your wife peed on the floor and on your kids, then locked the bathroom door to frame them. Happens all the time.

  3. I agree with Rob; had to be two pissers, but now they got you so befuddled between tears and lies that they are going to get away with it, serving only a time out. Now Ian owes Alex one for taking the heat. Next time it will be Ian's turn--watch for some signs: Alex may start holding it over his head for leverage when sharing becomes an issue or Ian may mysteriously abdicate a good snack for seemingly no reason at all.

  4. a second peer! pee-er? how do you spell that?

  5. Do you think the carpet pissers did this?
