Midgets? Hieronymus Bosch?This Just Might Be The Film For You

If you like midgets, medieval architecture, old-style Quentin Tarantino flicks, and Hieronymus Bosch, then In Bruges is tailor-made for you-- I give it six canals out of a possible seven-- but I do admit that I may be biased because I love medieval architecture, old-style Quentin Tarantino flicks, and Hieronymus Bosch . . . and I certainly don't mind a movie with a midget or two (or more, just watched Time Bandits the other day with the kids).


  1. Plus, you have been in Bruges.

    And visited the oldest pub in Bruges (Café Vlissinghe), opened in 1515.

    And sat at this table and played Trivial Pursuit -- moderately successfully, even though the cards were all in Flemish.

    I did, too, and I was playing the game with something of a midget, so I will have to go rent the movie.

  2. there are a few spots in the movie that are recognizable from our trip-- notably in the museum, one gangster drags the other to see the bosch triptich, and some of the canals looked familiar.

    there's nothing like sitting in a really old pub on a cold day in bruges.

  3. didn't you hit your Bosch quota for May already?
