Hmmm . . .

Yesterday, a student was falling asleep in class-- let's refer to him as John Doe-- and so I told him to take a walk and wake up or I would have to "send him to the nurse"-- which is a euphemism for send him to get drug tested-- and a few minutes after he left class a student said, "There's John Doe in the courtyard, he's sleeping!" and there he was, in a state of complete repose on the grass, headphones in his ears, asleep just outside my classroom window.


  1. I'm falling asleep right now. Is this your best effort?

  2. I like that when you told the story yesterday, you said "he had his walkman on!"

    Like any kid in this high school still carries a discman - let alone a walkman!!

    Way to age yourself dave.

  3. this is in fact my best effort. what you want for free? tomorrow i'll be presenting my 47 page sentence unravelling the economic crisis.

    and i though "walkman" was like "kleenex" and "xerox" and "vaseline"-- a brand used to denote the object.

  4. ooh remember how the sony walkmen (sp for pl?) were all yellow and like earthquake-proof?

  5. "Sheetrock" also is a brand that has become synonymous with its product:drywall. I have been known to say walkman.

  6. I can't wait for tomorrow's setence!!! And the sentence costs me time, so it winds up being very expensive!

    BTW, I'm pretty sure if you said walkman, the majority of your readers would be able to relate. At least the ones who comment regularly.

  7. i certainly write for the "walkman" demographic, but that is better than writing for the "walker" demographic. i promise to make fun of cripples in tomorrow's post . . .

  8. Brady still owns (and uses) one of those bright yellow guys!

  9. stace, i think we're going to have to add that to "the list"
