I Might Need to Make a Big Poster

There is a propagandistic war going on in our house: Alex noticed a fruit roll-up wrapper on the floor and asked me who threw it there and I said, subtly, ever so subtly: "I don't know, maybe mommy" and he said he didn't think so because I like to "litter" and throw wrappers and garbage on the floor of my car and that all I do is "eat and litter, eat and litter, eat and litter" and even though I was the one who threw the wrapper on the floor (it was during a VERY exciting movie) I still don't think a five-year-old should be making assumptions like that-- especially since he rarely rides in my car so obviously he didn't get this information first-hand (even though it's true) so I'm going to have to step-up my disinformation program.


  1. Just have to say: well crafted and highly entertaining, especially when you have seen Dave leave pizza crusts strewn about our friends house, but it's the good sentences that make it harder to ridicule him.

  2. no, no, that's wrong. the good sentences make it easier to ridicule him for the ones he mails in.
