
While I was driving back from Wawa, I saw a mailman look at a piece of mail, then throw his hand in the air, then look back behind him angrily-- but then, get this, he didn't turn around and walk back to where he looked: so that piece of mail is definitely in the sewer.


  1. When? Yesterday? No wait, that was Sunday. Today? No way too early. Or is this just another stale sentence based on something that happened last week?

  2. literature is "news that stays new." you are obviously a product of your real-time media, cell phone, facebook, live onnly in the moment and never reflect upon the past culture . . .

  3. The original, uncut version of this sentence began:

    "While I was driving back from Wawa after seeing Titanic in the theater..."

  4. never saw titanic. never will.
