
The Spiderwick Chronicles is pretty good as far as those kind of movies go, better than Harry Potter, but it is definitely not for young kids-- it's actually scary and we're going to have to wait a couple of years before we watch it with Alex and Ian.


  1. The feeling I get reading Dave's canned sentences while he is on vacation is not unlike watching a rerun of "The Tonight Show" and realizing that before the end of the monologue that the events are not current, and not being able to finish the show--I'll wait for Dave to get home--maybe I'll go outside or read a book.

  2. Yeah -- it would have been much cooler if he had tried to predict the future with these. I will see him this evening and will commence berating him for thinking his pre-packaged, pre-processed American cheese product sentences would suffice.

  3. OK, I don't have my own blog, but this is too great to not post somewhere, even though it may make me look a little light in the loafers: my students have caught wind of the fact that I am dating another teacher, and asked me if my girlfriend was a teacher in the school, so I denied it and said nothing, which they saw through immediately; one of my students took my silence for shame and specualted that maybe I was dating "the one teacher who came in and talked about the sports writing class."
