
Do other people, when they sample free meats, cheeses, and crackers from the enticing little bubble shaped displays at the grocery store, chew slowly and pretend to savor the tidbit-- as if saying, I'm taking my time and tasting and evaluating this item, because if it's really good, I might purchase it-- even though there's no way in hell they're going to purchase it, and they are actually just feeding their faces . . . or is it just me?


  1. perhaps you just don't possess a delicate enough palate to appreciate the nuances of grocery store bubble food

  2. you never taste anything you eat standing up.

  3. Is it just me or does anyone else just not even try the stuff because there is no point--I want more; I can't have more unless I buy it, and even if I did, I would have to wait until I got home to eat it, so what's the point anyway? I alway just get ticked off that I ate an unsatifying tidbit that could never satisfy me. Or maybe I just have issues.

  4. if you make enough discriminating faces, you can eat as much as you want-- you just have to convey with each bite that you're not quite sure if you like it or not, and that it might take eleven or twelve samples to decide. i am the robert deniro of grocery store tasting.
