UFC . . . The Sour Sociology

My first investigative sentence: in order to dispel claims made by frequent commenter (Al Depantsdowno) that UFC fighting is akin to the WWF, Catherine and I went to a friend's place and watched Randy "Still Juicy at Age 45" Couture defend his belt against Brock "I look sort of like Drago from Rocky IV" Lesnar-- and I can assure you, UFC fighting is very real (we watched the snot get knocked out of a guy's nose in slow motion) and it can be exciting and I was definitely unable to turn away for a second, but there is a lot of gripping, bending, grimacing, and generally ugly rolling around on the mat-- Catherine, who had a few glasses of wine at dinner was vociferously against the whole idea of "tapping out" when you get your arm barred, and she quickly and painfully demonstrated how easy it is to bend someone's arm back (on your intrepid investigative sentence writer-- it hurts) and if boxing is "the sweet science" then UFC fighting is "the sour sociology."


  1. OK. Perhaps I misspoke. While I agree that there is a certain level of athleticism required (similar to the WWE), and these guys can and do get real injuries, I still feel that this "sport" is more closely related to WWE than boxing. Maybe I'm just a traditionalist who finds it difficult to embrace new ideas. If you buy the next UFC PPV, invite me over.

  2. i don't think i'm ever watching it again-- it's too painful to watch the arm-bending and half the time i can't figure out who's doing what to whom . . .

  3. I was about to write a blog post on UFC fighting and then I saw this. I am still going to write it, I would just like you to know it was in no way me copying your ideas but in fact my own independent decision.

  4. where is your blog? now i need to check it over for plagiarism from my blog (which has been a big problem lately-- a LOT of famous writers have been stealing my sentences).

  5. It's linked to my profile, and I was reading an article in Rolling Stone about fathers who pelt their children with nerf footballs. I smell a lawsuit

  6. are you going to school for law? big mistake.
