Perhaps I Will Stick to Sentences

I had an idea for a new blog-- One Hundred Portraits of Dave-- but I haven't followed through; the premise is that I draw 100 quick self-portraits on my tablet (no revision, no erasing, no tossing a really bad one) and see if I get any better at it, and this was my first attempt.


  1. were you looking in a mirror when you did that, or was it drawn from memory?

  2. Your ears look like Mr. White had at you.

  3. if your not going to say anything nice, then i'm not going to draw myself any more! (this might not be a threat)

  4. ohhh, the dreaded your/you're mistake. and from an english teacher. for shame.

    and my question was legit. i wanna know.

  5. for your information, i was indeed looking in a mirror . . .

  6. ok, thanks. it would have been more impressive the other way, but i'll now be attempting to do the same myself this weekend. i suppose i could just look at the avatar there instead of using a mirror.

  7. I think your glasses are broken.

  8. maybe YOUR glasses are broken!
