Kids . . . You Can Send Them on Errands

The number one reason to have children: you can send them off to ask questions of people you would never talk to . . . for example, some dude on the beach had a stuffed squirrel on a towel so we asked Alex to go ask the owner if it was real, and after several trips with various queries from us (he returned with answers like “yes, it's real, but dead” and “no it wasn't a pet," we finally sent him over to ask the big question: "why?" and the answer was "to freak people out") and so our curiosity was satisfied without having to leave the comfort of our social circle or our beach chairs.


Jesse said...

Well considering the squirrel was a terrorist, it must have been freaking people out on the beach.

It sounds like the people that brought it there were "nuts".

(Apologies for the pun, too easy)

Dave said...

my high school english teacher told me that the true intellectual recognizes the pun in his mind, but does not verbalize it.

Jesse said...
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Jesse said...

My high school english teacher recycles the lessons of his high school english teacher to stop the use of puns.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.