Hey Internet! Write This Novel!

Here's a terrible idea for a novel: 

the internet becomes so large and complex that it attains consciousness and starts writing e-mails to people, because that is the only way it can connect with reality-- it has no senses, just an awareness through its content that there is an outside world (like the reverse of The Matrix . . . or maybe a science-fiction version of Pinocchio) but, honestly, I'm not going to write it, and so I'm just throwing the idea out there . . . perhaps the internet will read it and then decide to self-reflexively write it-- so listen up, Internet, if you write a big-budget movie, I want some compensation!


  1. The internet should name its novel Spam.

    I doubt anyone would read the emails anyway.. The internet is simply banner ads and filler..

  2. that's true-- maybe the internet is trying to communicate with me with its spam-- maybe i just need to read into it more . . .

    someone should write "Spam." I would, but i'm too busy writing a sentence every day.

  3. also, that hal comment? way too creepy to be funny, especially if you remember the way hal sings "daisy."
