Pain or Sepsis?

Just worked up a sweat removing a splinter from Alex's foot-- it took the two of us to hold him down.


  1. I would just like to point out that you said we would never find this blog. Obviously, I have achieved the impossible. I will not tell anyone, though...don't worry. Even though it is one of the more entertaining things I have ever seen.

  2. the kids, they are way smarter than us, dave.

  3. jesse, how did you stumble on this god-forsaken cul-de-sac of the information highway? you may have earned yourself the prestigious honor of a sentence! (unless one of my children says something mildly entertaining) but please don't belittle my blog by calling it "entertainment"-- this is a very serious endeavor.

  4. Sorry... by entertaining I meant thought provoking and a great idea. It's like I am putting the puzzle of your life together piece by piece. In all seriousness, it is an awesome idea I didn't meant to belittle it.

  5. moving on to more serious issues than jesse marino finding your blog (this kid is a genius and he was born 16 weeks before his due date -- of course he found your blog)...why didn't you just leave the splinter in?

  6. they're smarter than us, but they haven't mastered the self-mocking comedy of the old.

  7. if you leave the splinter in, it could get in the bloodstream and migrate to the brain and paralyze you-- or so i have heard from the drunk woman that preaches near the asylum.

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