Bruce is Patient

Friday: my college buddy Bruce, who runs Kittyhawk Kites-- the largest hang-gliding school in the world-- gets Alex and Ian airborne in a glider; each of them fly two runs down the dune with Bruce and I holding onto the wires of the glider-- and Alex tells him he dreamed about it and then it came true; Bruce-- who is very patient-- also answers between four and five hundred of Alex's questions about the glider and teaches him what a "wing nut" is.


  1. pete and i "learned" how to hang glide from these people...much less exciting than being brought up to 1200 ft connected to an ultra light flyer and hang gliding down.

    i just saw some guys "base" jumping while skiing...crazy stuff, but it looks so awesome. Can your friend teach us how to do that?

  2. i don't think you even need a teacher to base jump. you just do it!
