Poetry Versus Chemistry

High school drama . . . science teachers denounce the poetry festival . . . students are denied access to the dark artists of the pen because of quarterly reviews and quizzes in their real courses . . . tension between the departments . . . will all be forgiven by June?


  1. You should write a musical about it.

  2. You could call it "Poetic Justice"..oh wait, that was a Janet Jackson movie in the early 90s--my bad.

  3. when we visited efes, one of my colleagues wrote (well, danced and sang while we toured the city) a song about the ancient city...maybe you could work it in to your musical.

  4. this would be such an excellent musical-- i'm going to start working on it this afternoon-- it will be philosophical, violent, and petty-- and, of course, like romeo and juliet, there will be a romance between the departments (of course, plenty of material for that as well)
