Dave Throws in the Sentence Writing Towel

After over a hundred posts, I think it's time to hang it up: I'm having trouble coming up with new ideas, I'm losing time with my family, and I've finally realized that if I could channel the energy I spend on this blog towards just one needy child, I 'd be doing the world a great service-- in short this blog is trivial, frivolous, and in no way contributes to the betterment of man; in fact, not only am I ashamed of myself for perpetuating this self-serving, egotistical waste of time and bandwith, but I'm also ashamed of you, my fans, who could be taking more initiative at work, spending more time with your own family or pets, or simply planting trees and cleaning up litter in your neighborhood instead of reading these long-winded and often grammatically suspect sentences from a small-minded man.


  1. April Fools! Actually, my blog is brilliant and perhaps the most significant thing you'll read on the Internet. Also, I don't care about litter or needy children!

  2. Phewwwww!! Your blog is the only thing that gets me through the day and makes the ever approaching onset of parenthood bearable. I was looking forward to maybe following in your footsteps one day and chronicling all the goofy stuff my kids do. First so that I can remember and secondly so that I can taunt them by sending links to their friends while in high school.

  3. your having a baby soon? congrats! i loved that last family rock opera youtube video . . .

  4. Nice grammar, English teacher. Sheesh.
