Can't We All Just Remain Polarized?

As far as I can tell, any policy or strategy that is bi-partisan is doubly dumb; e.g. Big Corn, ethanol, energy independence, the War on Terror, the War on Drugs, etcetera (as for how dumb ethanol is: we get taxed on it three times-- we pay billions in subsidies to grow the corn, billions in subsidies to turn the corn into ethanol, and billions in higher food prices because there is more "demand" for corn to make into a fuel that pollutes as much or more than gasoline and uses more water and energy to create than gasoline-- McCain and Clinton both used to be against these subsidies, but since they started running for President they have changed their tune-- because of Iowa . . . I don't know why I bother to read about this stuff because it makes me angry for days).


Anonymous said...

Have you been reading Omnivore's again?

i <3 corn

Dave said...

no, a new one by robert bryce called "gusher of lies." really good but makes you want to shoot people in high places.

rob said...

to be fair (and i generally choose not to when it comes to those you mention in today's sentence), most of that ethanol pandering is reserved for iowa and the all-important caucus there. why two all-white and relatively small states get to dictate the terms of our presidential races is something else i'd like you to investigate.

celine said...

can you mail me the book when you are done, so instead of shooting people in high places here (which would be a waste of bullets - because how does this country affect the world) - I can have a desire to shoot people in more influential places?


Whitney said...

Is there a more influential place to shoot someone than up high? Maybe in the gut, where it's a slow, painful, but just a sure demise? Oh, and I guess you can't ignore the groin area. (Though most of the girls I met in college managed to.)

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