
Writing my sentence while I have to urinate ensures that it will be short.


  1. WTF!? I had to type in more just to get to this site. Seriously, Dave, if you want me to take time out of my very busy schedule to read your blog, I'm going to need more than that. Yesterday's sentence--great. Today's--not so much. I read this blog to see what is going on in your life. I assume you piss everyday. I would write more, but I have to take a dump now.

  2. sometimes the sentence reflects EXACTLY what is going on in my life-- it can't always be something exciting, like when i got stuck inside that shark's-- sorry, i need to go vomit now, i think i have food poisoning.

  3. okay, i'm back-- anyway, the sentence can't always be-- dammit, got to go-- there's pus dripping from one of my hemmorhoids and it's getting on the chair--

  4. okay, like i was saying, it's not always going to be something really exciting-- whoops! just sharted, need to find new boxers--

  5. I understand, but I think today's crappy sentence has something to do witht the fact that you posted it at 8am. Christ, Dave! What do you expect to happen by then? Plus we're going to the bar--you could make another jump shot at least, or even....oooh that really itches. Gotta go!

  6. You're obviously busy, but it sounds like if you had waited, you would have had a lot better sentence; look at all the bodily functions since then--put that all in once sentence, simpleton. Jesus, I hope the students can't smell that.

  7. point of order: it's not called the 'daily sentence of dave, featuring at least 200 characters and a backstory'. i'm quite happy with the effort.

    (psst, dave, now do i get that $20?)

  8. eric needs to grow some friends because he has way too much time to write short essays on this...
