Child's Imagination Causes Problem

After my son Alex asked for another impossible Christmas gift-- a radio controlled flying skull-- my wife said: "This is why we need to let him watch some TV, so he knows some real toys from the commercials."


  1. I totally agree with Catherine - Alex needs more television viewing time.

    I was raised on television and while yes, it probably contributed to what I like to call my slight "hyperactivity", more importantly it also contributed to my ability to function in everyday society, relate to common culture, and easily assimilate socially... ie. not spend Friday nights playing the banjo, no dead bodies under my porch, etc.

    Whereas you, Dave... hmm, I'm assuming you didn't watch much television growing up...

  2. none of us watched THAT much TV growing up-- there was nothing on-- no nickleodeon or cartoon network, the only thing i remember watchign was "laverne and shirley" and "gilligan's island."
