Of Urine and Tupperware

We had to bring the boys to the doctor for a well-visit and flu shots, and the office requested urine samples, and so we dutifully had the boys pee into a couple of plastic containers . . . a couple of decent reusable plastic containers . . . but I didn't ask for them back and they didn't offer to return them . . . but I would have taken them back and washed them and used them again, though my wife wasn't too keen on doing that.


Squeaky said...

You used Tupperware containers from your house for the pee? Didn't you get contains from your doctors office? Wow, Jersey has the best medical service.

Dave said...

your doctor gives gratis urine containers? fancy.

zman said...

You have no tupper awareness.

Dave said...

wow. another link i neglected. nice work, zman.

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