The First Rule About Fight Club Is You Do NOT Blog About Fight Club

Read any article about how to write a successful blog and the first tip will be something like this: STAY ON TOPIC or CHOOSE A UNIQUE TOPIC or DECIDE WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO BLOG ABOUT . . . and perhaps that is why Sentence of Dave is not particularly successful, because the Topic is "Dave" and that's not very specific . . . but there are certain areas where Sentence of Dave excels -- according to the Blogger Statistics-- and so here are the most popular searches that lead to this godforsaken corner of the internet: trigonometry, peccary, Chatham Bars Inn, balls, emo, Andrew Strong, giant wasp, and . . . drum roll please . . . elephantitis.


Squeaky said...

Apparently, Dave likes to memorize songs twice as much as he likes Canada.

Really lazy sentence today with the rip off of the ghoogles.

Dave said...

many of my readers are unfamiliar with "the ghooghles" and need an ersatz version.

new wrinkle in song memorization-- i am so busy with soccer that i am now forgetting songs at a rapid rate . . .

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.