
It's an honest mistake, especially if you're fresh off the boat and think that an intense Indian burn to the lower back is good for the kidneys . . . and I suppose "That spot's sore" could sound like "do it stronger," which is what the lady at the Asian massage place heard, so that instead of letting up a bit on my neck, she gave me a Vulcan nerve pinch.


eric said...

It's not the same now that I know that none of this is real; moreover, I am disappointed that you could not "make up" a better sentence than this.

Al DePantsdowno said...

I laughed.

Dave said...

the picture makes me laugh every time i see it.

Chad's brother said...

I'm devastated. Does "the happy ending" really exist? My whole life is whimsy. All that I believed to be true... are LIES!

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.