
Today is probably as good a day as any to tell you this: this blog is a complete hoax . . . I don't have a wife or any children, I haven't read any of the books I mentioned or seen any of the movies I reviewed, and I didn't bang the back of my hand on a doorknob-- actually, I am holed up in a single bedroom apartment in Milltown, and I have covered all the walls and windows with tin foil, but I'm despite this, I'm going to continue with the blog . . . I hope this doesn't change anything.


Cat said...

I love how puts this sentence the day after our 9 year wedding anniversary -- now I don't exist??

rob said...

and he created a fictional 'cat' character to enhance the illusion. this 'dave' person, if that is his real name, is brilliant.

also, matrimonially tone deaf.

Fictional Eric? said...

Clever sentence. Too bad that only people that know Dave read this blog, or it may have created some debate.

Whitney said...

Tell me though, Eric . . . does anyone really know Dave?

Dave said...

i would like to state for the record that I have been happily married for nine years, but i also know that marital strife is good fodder for sentences and that's why i wrote this sentence the day after our anniversary . . .

Al DePantsdowno said...

Happy Anniversary Cat. You are a saint.

celine said...

Indeed. Does "Dave" exist anymore? I need confirmation on this. Can anyone send me a "proof of life"?

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.