The Apple Doesn't Fall Far, But Maybe It Should

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree: Alex was reading a Fantastic Four comic book when he noticed that a character in the comic book was reading the very same comic book-- he was so excited that he called me over to see it-- and then we talked about the possibility of a guy inside the little drawing of the comic reading a tinier version of the comic book, and the even tinier guy inside the tiny comic book doing the same thing, ad nauseum; maybe this will blossom into a predilection for meta-fiction like Tristram Shandy and if on a winter's night a traveler . . . maybe he will end up just like his dad, nerdy and well versed in novels that no one else has read.


eric said...

I saw a tour bus two weeks ago with a picture of the self-same tour bus on the side with a tinier picture on that bus, and I was driving, so I couldn't concentrate hard enough to see if it went on ad infinitum, but I was hung over and completely absorbed by it.

Dave said...

who can name the post-modernist in the photo?

staceypants said...

David Louis Edelman!!

Do I win something?!! I hope I win something!

staceypants said...

hmm.. I don't think its him anymore..


staceypants said...

John Barth.

Jeremy Bentham said...

John Locke, my alter ego, circa 1983?

stacey university said...

i love whoever made the lost reference.

Chad's brother said...

reminds me of the scene in Animal House when the professor (Donald Sutherland) shares that a tiny particle in his fingernail "can be a whole tiny universe"
yes; I realize after reading everyones comments, I am the child that ate the glue in pre-school...and elementary

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.