
My four year old son's refusal to use worms as bait "because they are good for the soil and they're alive" has made me take a closer look at my own beliefs; worms are good for the soil and they are alive-- and maybe we shouldn't use them for a recreational pursuit that involves torturing a fish-- unless, of course, we're going to eat the fish . . . but that's a whole other issue: we still haven't eaten anything that we've caught yet and I'm not sure how Ian is going to react to that can of worms.


Esoderic said...

I can actually remember when I caught my first fish at Ian's age. It was a bluegill(sunfish) and when my grandfather and I brought it back to the camper, my dad pulled it out of the bucket and threw it right on the grill. I screamed my head off so he put it back in the bucket, but if floated on its side with the grill markes facing up.

Dave said...

that's awesome-- i guess it's like pulling off a band-aid, you've just got to do it and deal with the screams.

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