Greasetruck conquers all!

Greasetruck's new song, "The Bear," is an incredible musical accomplishment because not only is it the greatest rock song of all time, it is also-- simultaneously-- the greatest parody of a rock song of all time, and thus, it is impervious to all criticism -- anything you think is super great, is super great, and anything you think is totally stupid, is actually intended to be humorous . . . you see how this works?-- so save your vitriol for the new Coldplay album . . . also, note the use of heavy metal banjo (which is difficult to record, not because of the banjo playing, which is pretty rudimentary, but because it's hard to use the computer keyboard and mouse while wearing banjo finger-picks . . . I doubt Bela Fleck has this problem, but these are the issues that arise for the home recording hobbyist).


Whitney said...

I am throwing my support behind "The Bear" . . . which is not quite on the level of McCartney offering kudos to Lennon for "Imagine," but it's close.

"chase you all the way to Texas to kick you in the solar plexus" Aww, yeah.

Dave said...

for those of you not in the know, it's pretty big when a band mate gives a good review of a solo effort-- usually there's some bitterness. perhaps the band will back back together after all . . . now that we know that dr. seuss wouldn't be arrested for posing as a gynecologist.

Lecky said...

your best effort so far. I believed you to be a bear, which is not a stretch considering your ample body fur, but definitely the foundation for good songwriting

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