I Think You'll Understand . . . I want to Read Your Sca-aaaan

A funny sentence from Daniel Levitin's This is Your Brain on Music-- a book that has as much technical neuroscience as it does music theory, Levitin was a session musician and record producer but now he runs the Laboratory for Musical Perception, Cognition, and Expertise at McGill University: "The research on the development of the first MRI scanners was performed by the British company EMI, financed in a large part from their profits on Beatles records . . . I Want to Hold Your Hand might well have been titled I Want to Scan Your Brain."


Whitney said...

McGill University . . . Canada Eta Chapter . . . (I could probably Google the year of inception).

Amazing what sticks with you from fraternity pledging.

Dave said...

there's a pi lam at mcgill? why didn't we ever road trip there for the husky canadian babes?

rob said...

i've been to the mcgill lammy chapter. suffice it to say that montreal is different than williamsburg.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.