You Had to Be There (But Here It Is Anyway)

Two big laughs in the English office this week, but you probably had to be there: someone put a quotation on the public whiteboard in reference to Todd Whitaker, the slick positive-thinking Evangelical-style presenter the district hired last Friday (he gets 10 grand plus for a day's work and his licensed DVD costs $449)

"a good teacher complains about the price of staff development, but a great teacher shuts up and gives me her fucking money"

and another teacher drew (and colored!) a very funny comic, but again, you might need to be an English teacher to appreciate it-- the conceit is that a fetus in a jar has come after school to make up a quiz on Hemingway's short story "Hills Like White Elephants" and the teacher tells the fetus to "take as much time as you need."


rob said...

is the comedy in the english office materially different than that in, say, the math office or the science office? do you guys make fun of the other subjects? are after school inter-subject rumbles still cool?

Dave said...

some say the english department is a clique and that we don't interact much with the other teachers-- but we are kind of isolated and we have our own big office and there are eighteen of us, so there's no real reason to visit those "other" departments-- plus with facility for language, we're much funnier than say, the chemistry teachers . . .

celine said...

much much funnier. we definitely don't have time to even consider those other departments because we are so funny without them. it would muddy the waters.

Freakin' 10 grand, huh? Maybe Catherine and I should get on that boat...I will start working toward my doctorate as soon as I get home. Tell her to start copying down some ideas about how to be a good teacher...something about yelling and screaming at the kids and maybe hitting them with rulers. I am sure that trend will come back again.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.