Why Is My Wife in That Cabinet With That Guy?

Nothing is cuter than a toddler's malapropism (Daddy look, I scissored the paper!) but what about when your wife, after a drawn-out negotiation with the cabinet guy, says "I really smooched him" instead of "I really schmoozed him"-- is this a cute Freudian slip or should I take it as an admission of infidelity with a woodworker for the sake of a discount?


Anonymous said...

When I was student teaching in Ohio, after a night of drinking with a coworker, I announced to our table in the cafeteria that we had "really strapped one on last night," and it didn't help that he was a really pretty man.

Al DePantsdowno said...

I think it depends on how much the discount was. If it was a decent amout, I say look the other way and be thankful.

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