The Looming Time

The end of winter break is rearing its ugly head; to prepare, I woke up early this morning, did some school work, went to the gym, recorded some music, shoveled snow, took the dog for a hike in the park, watched Trading Places with the wife and kids, and then-- I am sad to report-- I was so amped up from all my productivity that I couldn't manage to take a nap (unlike my son Ian, who is still crashed out) and if you're looking for something weird and melancholy to listen to, during this looming time, I recommend The OOZ by King Krule.


zman said...

Trading Olaces was the first rated R movie I ever saw and probably the first bare breasts I ever saw.

Dave said...

the bare breasts in that movie are random and gratuitous, but not particularly titillating.

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