Dog Lovers Should (Not) Read This

After some intense discussion in Philosophy class, we decided that it would probably be more utilitarian if dog owners decided at the outset-- and broadcast this to all involved-- that after ten years with their loyal companions, they would celebrate the pet/owner relationship by slaughtering and eating the animal, in order to avoid the melancholy doldrums of canine senescence and to bite into the exorbitant American consumption of factory farmed flesh . . . I can't imagine serving my own dog several years down the line at a morbid barbeque but I think if I understood this finality from the get go, then I could stomach it (obviously this is how things went not so long ago, when many of us lived on the farm: you hand fed your adorable piglet or lamb, knowing full well it was slated for the table and you digested the cognitive dissonance along with the seared flesh of your innocent dependent).


Whitney said...

Yuck all around.

zman said...

As distasteful as eating your pets may sound, it sure beats the hunter/gatherer lifestyle (unless you're hunting and gathering at Whole Foods or the Highland Park farmer's market).

Lecky said...

You may be running out of sentences...

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.