Geometric Fashion

After multiple trips to the fitting room at Kohl's-- tedious trips that nearly crushed me with boredom and exhaustion-- I finally had an epiphany: if I were two-dimensional then my shirt size would be a "large," but I'm not two-dimensional, not even a little bit, so when I'm in the middle of the store and I hold the shirt up to my body to get a quick look-see, it seems as if a "large" will suffice, but when I actually stuff my body inside the shirt, then there's no question that I'm going to need an "XL."


zman said...

It only took Dave 47 years to figure out his tshirt size! And no one would ever say you're two-dimensional Dave, you contain multitudes.

Whitney said...

Next up" shoe size! There's not just length, there's width!!!

zman said...

That's what she said.

Dave said...

thanks a lot for crapping all over my epiphany. now i'm not even going to tell you about my new comfortable pants.

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