I'll Do It Her Way . . . Grudgingly

My wife was oppressing my creativity the other day; she was being very critical of how I put away the silverware --my method, which is a matter of personal expression, a stylistic choice-- NOT laziness-- is I chuck all the stuff in the drawer, real fast, I don't worry about dedicating particular slots for spoons or forks or knives . . . I came to the conclusion that this is the correct technique (even though that's how I've always done it) while reading A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder . . . but my wife didn't want to hear my theories on when you should NOT organize something in a top-down fashion, though it's easy enough to find what you need when you need it; I think silverware falls into this category, it's a pain-in-the-ass to get all the different cutlery into the correct slots, but it's easy enough visually to find what you need when you open the drawer, even if it's a disorganized mess, because the slots are shallow and the different items are visually discernible with minimum effort (I use this same method in my clothing drawers) but despite the fact that we live in Frank Sinatra's state of origin, after I listened to her threats and ultimatums, I've decided to leave this one alone and I'm going to do it her way.


zman said...

It's amazing that none of your roommates ever killed you, or at least tried to.

Dave said...

they did, but it wasn't me, just a pile of laundry.

Whitney said...

We killed him. He just didn't die.

rob said...

we killed the lizard, though. kind of a proxy for dave.

Dave said...

someday, people will do it my way!

Dave said...

i'm getting my guitar out and writing that song . . .

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.