January > Teetotaling

I think all of us living in the Northern Hemisphere will agree that January is a terrible time for resolutions-- especially ones that involving eating and drinking less; it's cold and dark and one of the best ways to dispel the winter blues is with delicious food, delicious food preparation, social gatherings, and plenty of booze . . . and so I am proposing we switch New Year's Resolution Season to the first day of spring-- people tend to have plenty of resolve then and there's actually stuff to get done (spring cleaning, home improvement projects, gardening and landscaping, getting in shape for bikini season, etcetera) while in the winter, there's no need to lose weight-- you're wearing layers of clothing-- and there's a whole lot less that needs to be done . . . so let's save the dieting and teetotaling for some time in the future and face the facts: January and February are for eating and drinking until you have a smooth, soft layer of insulation covering your body that will protect you from the cold and the wind.


Whitney said...

Dave and I agree completely. First time.

Dave said...

didn't we both agree that highlander II was a lousy movie? and that we should see "the people under the stairs" instead of "the fisher king"?

rob said...

smartest sentence ever. i'm in.

Whitney said...

I never saw Highlander II with you guys. Nor Fisher King. Convincing me to see The People Under the Stairs should have convinced you to be the next Clarence Darrow.

Your claim that you wanted to see how cold it was outside the car may have made you think twice.

Dave said...

i am being punished for this sentence with a stomach virus.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.