A Very Cheeky Groundhog

It's been a long time since I've seen a groundhog do anything cheeky (and it still wasn't nearly as cheeky as this) but the drought must be severely depleting whatever groundhogs normally eat, because as we walked down the steps to the pool, my wife looked to her left and said, "There is a large animal on one of the picnic tables eating someone's food," and she was right-- and this was the kind of behavior you expected from a raccoon or cat-- but on closer inspection it was a groundhog, munching away at a ham and salami sub from Park Deli, and I had to swing our pool bag at the groundhog to get it to scamper back into the woods and the sub was ruined, gnawed open and dismantled, and so our friends had to order food from Loui Pizza City.


zman said...

Was there mayo on the sub? Oil and vinegar?

Dave said...

oil and vinegar. and it had smoked meats-- salami, capicola, etc. really weird stuff for a vegetarian rodent to be eating . . .

Clarence said...

If the exact same thing happens tomorrow, we may have another movie script on our hands.

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