Another Use For Your Closet

Lately, my seven year old son Alex is on a roll . . . at dinner Tuesday night, he asked to be excused after eating only a couple bites of his ice cream (he had just earned back dessert status) which was strange because he has a sweet tooth and always finishes treats-- and after Alex left the table, Ian, a model of discretion for his five years, said to us, "You know what was weird? Alex had a handful of green beans," and I was impressed that he didn't outright squeal on his brother, instead he alerted us with some subtlety and sophistication, but it was enough of a hint for Catherine to chase Alex upstairs-- he said he was going to write his friend a birthday card-- and when she asked him about the green beans, he claimed that "he ate them," but upon further interrogation it turns out that he threw them in the back of his closet-- the second time in a week he's made an absurd choice for hiding contraband-- so Catherine made him fish them out and she told them that as punishment he had to eat them, but he claimed that they were "dusty," and so I washed them off with some cold water and once again . . . he's lost dessert for a week.


zman said...

Dusty Greenbeans would be a good alter-ego for a weirdo musician.

Anonymous said...

Wish Dusty Greenbeans was trending on Twitter.

Dave said...

would dusty greenbeans collaborate with mr. greenjeans?

Whitney said...

He should have said he was going to plant them in hopes of a beanstalk growing.

Dave said...

come and see my onion farm! (one of my best pick-up lines in college).

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.